ABM YACHT SUPPORT sailing in St. Tropez next weekend

ABM YACHT SUPPORT sailing in St. Tropez next weekend.

ABM Yacht Support will be in St. Tropez to sail between all the competitors in the «Les Voiles de Saint Tropez». In this time we don´t compite but we´ll give to the owner the feeling to do it next years.



What is the common thread that links the agro-ecology so cherished by Pierre Rabhi, whose aim is to give suffering peoples food autonomy, and “la faim de ton voisin” (your neighbour’s hunger) and “action contre la faim” associations? Everyone is doing their bit for a planetary cause. It’s a challenge, which ups sails on Thursday 1 October in Saint Tropez.
On Thursday, Les Voiles de Saint Tropez is going a bit crazy. Indeed, to celebrate the creative spirit of the original Nioulargue race between Ikra and Pride, the competitors are traditionally invited to challenge one another according to their affinities, without being bound by any class measurement logic, for the sheer pleasure of going into battle with fellow racers. Relaunched in 2003, the so-called Club 55 Cup is a blueprint of the 1981 challenge, played out between a Challenger and a Defender, with Pampelonne beach as the main objective culminating with lunch at the Club 55. Over the years, we have got into the habit of other challenges too, all of them rooted in the very specific philosophy that colours yachting, namely competition for fun. On Thursday 1 October 2015, under the banner of the struggle against world hunger, some of the most prominent boats in the bay will pick up and run with a fresh challenge. Indeed, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of his Wally, HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon-Two Sicilies’ Genie of the Lamp will compete against such boats as HSH Prince Albert of Monaco’s 106 year-old 15 mJI Tuiga. Such a challenge could not take place without the kind assistance of André Beaufils, the organiser of Les Voiles, and Patrice de Colmont, founder of the Nioulargue.

“Doing your bit” is an expression that Patrice de Colmont has made his own. The thinking behind it is a story that tells of a bush fire in which a humming bird tirelessly makes a series of round trips with a single drop of water, whilst being mocked by the other animals. “Doing your bit” is a fresh mindset, a new way of envisaging how we live together in a world where anything is possible. In this vien, whilst Prince Charles de Bourbon-Two Sicilies is driving “your neighbour’s hunger” project and Prince Albert of Monaco is involved in the “action against hunger” foundation, Patrice de Colmont is campaigning for Pierre Rabhi’s endowment fund, the founder of agro-ecology. Through their involvement, these men are keen to turn their notoriety to good account so as to raise awareness and have a debate, and in their wake, have a fundraiser for emergency humanitarian causes.
To symbolise the small drops of water making a difference, Patrice de Colmont has had a “Poseidon necklace” made by the artist Nicolas Lefebvre. The necklace comprises an 8-metre long rope, with a block clasp, to which numerous objects evoking the sea are hung including shells and a propeller blade.
After their duel, the sailors will be invited to get together at the Club 55 where a donation will be made for the benefit of the various associations, and will strike a pose with this necklace, an emblem of a new challenge that is set to last.





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